Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My 5 cents on Latest Changes.

Today I decided to put my 5 cents in about the newest changes in PFT (Promo Frenzy Team). I read treads and noticed that some of us jumped the guns. Could I ask you, please hold your horses?! 

It appears that some of the members expressed their concerns in two areas:
1.      Blog (min. requirement is to keep the list of shops current)
2.      Joining treasury teams (that have no requirements) 

1. I do have a blog page but …as you may know, I hardly blog. I just have no time to blog on the regular basis (in addition to my personal situation, I need much more time to put a post because of my English). In accordance with the newest changes, each of us got to have a blog page and at a minimum got to maintain the shop list. You are not obligated to blog, JUST TO MAINTAIN THE LIST. Here, I am guilty; I neglected to do that but will update the list because it is important to have those back links. If I commit 30 min a week, I can do it. Think about it… maybe YOU could do it, too.

2. Treasuries… In the past, I made one treasury a month. I really wanted to make more. I jointed TPT, PUNKS and C&C prior to all the latest announcements.  Those teams have no requirements rather than click and comment on 10 or 15 treasuries posted before yours. One round takes me 10 to 15 minutes. My problem is time of the day I am available to release a treasury. When I am around, most of you are not. I took a chance, made my last two and sent them out. My last Sun. night (7 pm) treasury made to #4 on pg. 1!!! Not bad at all! Just think, maybe you are unable to make a treasury but maybe YOU could take someone else’s treasury for a round to those treasury teams. One round, 10 to 15 min…. Could you?

Please correct me if I am wrong, 10 to 15 min. once a week, that is all that required. Not too bad. If you do not have that 10 to 15 min. time, join those teams just in case you find time someday. In the meantime, pick other activity to meet 2 a week.

I am sad that some of the great shops decided to leave. Please take a minute, take another look… Rather than seeing the reasons to leave, you may be able to see the reasons to stay. 

I hope I make sense and whatever decision you make, good luck to you and keep in touch!


  1. Great points pritty, spent a lot of time getting things set up today, so it should go smoother from here on. I hope more people don't rush to judgement. At first the requirements seem daunting, but in reality, all of our goals are to enhance our shop and sales and support our team mates to the best of our ability. Give it a shot people!

  2. There are issues to joining the treasury teams beyond the time. But it is a great team and it is a shame to see people run off in a huff without discussion and thought.

  3. Nice post :) Thank you!
    It is impossible to cover every single aspect or possibility and there were some unclear points. And it is also impossible to have several hundred people together and to have everyone agree.
    I do agree that I just wish more could take a step back, take a deep breath and talk AND just wait and see how things go. We are willing to listen and make adjustments. I hope most will take a minute to convo us if there are any concerns so we can try to lay them to rest :) THANK YOU!

  4. Judy, you are right, there some other issues with treasuries as treasury mills, etc. At this point, that is the best available tool people came up with, kind of game in town. Unless we come up with something better, we got to play this game.

  5. Pritty, you are very right!!! definitely doesnt take that long to spend a few minutes to promote. In the long run all good and hard work is well paid off!

  6. I love this blog post!!! You are so right in every way! Sometimes when you read a list of things it sounds like a lot, but when you take a look...you're probably doing most of it anyway...or it wouldn't hurt to give it a shot! Great post!

  7. I started my own treasury team, didn't care for some of the rules in the other ones, and the way they were being abused.

  8. yes, don't leave - the frenzy team has truly helped my little shop and the small amount of time you need to put in does pay off!

  9. This is a nice, thought out post I have my own treasury reservations but have not jumped ship (have not yet joined those teams, either), I am waiting to see how it goes. One other thought is that I do blog and have been very active on the blogging Wednesdays, yet my shop was not on the blog list from the promo frenzy team members that I visited today. I do think it would be great if that could be corrected.

    You are positive and level headed! I appreciate your outlook! Thanks!
    Carol from Carol's Jewelry Orchard

  10. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about the change. I hope it will be for our good interest.

  11. Well said. Change is scary at first, but once you take a step back, and really analyze things, it puts things into perspective. Great post!

  12. I'm going to have to work on this.

  13. Right now my problem is flickr. I've been going round and round with them and they can't give me a URL that works.

    I'm sure it will be resolved but this kind of thing makes me frantic and I feel shoved into it unwillingly

  14. Well thought out post Pritty. Thank you for the insights!

  15. Great points! I think in the end we will be a leanmean promoting machine! I am also excited to see what Flickr Friday is all about:)

  16. I agree with all of your points. People are just really lazy and don't take the time to put effort into it. I mean an hour a week is NOTHING, and yet, you still get a really good amount of exposure.

  17. Very good post. I am just coming back after an extended absence and have found in trying to catch up with everything that at times it can be very overwhelming. I am stumbling around trying to get my bearings and in the process be "politically correct" and not post were I should not or worse.

    I have not made a treasury yet, in part because I am not sure how, but it IS on the list of things to do. And I WILL accomplish it.

  18. uniquecozytreasures - I need improvement too.
